Hi everyone,
After months of hard work my second Volumio project is almost finished. The hardware is ready but the software needs some finetuning.
My project is made of a RPI2, Volumio v1.55, O2 headphone amplifier and an ODAC. I build it in an aluminium case with a rotary encoder a 3.2 inch display, some push buttons and an IR receiver. On the backside are inputs for 2 seperated power connectors and cinch outputs for an external amplifier.
Via the rotary encoder I can walk through the menu and choose what I want to do. The push buttons talk for themselves. Everything is also controlable via an IR remote.
Software is written in python (is the first program I’ve ever written in that language) so it took al lot of time to complete it. Some minor things have to be changed before it’s bug free but that’s a problem when the bad weather come’s back Till then I can work with it.
This is the second version because I was not happy with the first case and it’s front panel. It was to small so I used a case which is a little bit bigger.
Hereby many thanks for the people who created and maintain Volumio.
Below a photo of the project