Hi there.
I’m having trouble getting Volume to find my music, which is stored on an external hard drive (not a NAS), which is attached to another computer on the same network.
I’ve installed Volumio v 1.5 on a Raspberry Pi B.
I’m using an Apple Airport Extreme router.
I have a Mac mini running Yosemite. This is networked wirelessly to my Airport Extreme.
My music is on an external hard drive, connected to the Mac mini via Firewire 800. I have shared out the drive via Mac Os X File Sharing preferences, granting Everyone Read Access.
I have tried to add the shared drive as a NAS mount via Volumio’s Network setup page ("//"), with no success. When I save this configuration, the mount appears with a red X to its left. When I click on it, I see the following error:
Any thoughts would be appreciated.