HI can someone suggest what I should do to address the following issue.
The main music library screen populates with artists correctly but only about 6 of about 300 artists have album art displayed. The other 294 artists have the default image.
Note once I drill down on an artist, the album /albums artwork for the selected artist appear correctly and operate correctly.
The artwork is displayed correctly everywhere else in volumio.
Is there an album art cache reset and re scan that I can do to refresh the music library cache?
This is a volumio issue as foorbar2000 scans the same NAS based music database abd correctly displays all album art.
yess that should be enough time…
post your logs and say what version your using maybe we could find out what’s going on.
it could be that special characters in your song list will be a problem.
and keep one folder with other folders in it
Library management in Volumio really has some issues/shortcomings.
If I browse to the artist via “Music Library → NAS” I miss 1 Artist.
Doing the same via “Artist” I miss 13 Artists.
I found limitations on image size > 700kb it won’t show.
Every folder now has an artist image named as and still some won’t show.
OK guys these are different issues to mine.
e.g In Library view I see 100% of my artists correctly organised and I see maybe 1% of associated artwork.(my artwork) (This bothers me)
In artist view I see 100% of my artists with about 99% displaying artwork Web artwork not mine.(This does not bother me so much)
Thanks for your inputs.
Look forward to more ideas
Wav files are dumb analog files without any capability to embed file data.
My artwork is saved as 600 x 600 pixel jpg files saved along with the track files.
As I initially stated this works great for most of the ways you select a track to play in volumio but not all.
Thanks Greg
I have downloaded mp3tag and run it for album art checks.I did this for a single folder, which has 1 album stored in it with 22 tracks.I have my original scanned artwork which is 600 x 600 pixels stored as the 23rd file in the folder.
Mp3tag did find some of the tracks which were not associated with my artwok.Mp3 made the correction edits so all 22 tracks are associated with my original artwork.
Bingo My hopes were up that now Volumio would now correctly display the album artwork in the folder view…alas no change here.still no artwork.
If I click on the blank folder I see all 22 tracks with the correct artwork.
I also downloaded Bliss as I saw this also was a good tool. Bliss did not find any issues with this test folder.
Back to square one.This must be a Volumio issue?
I’ve never had problems viewing the album cover by having it with the name “folder.jpg”.
I see two possible problems:
Cache issue: Try opening Volumio in an anonymous browser window. If it doesn’t work, we can rule out this being the problem.
Problem relating to the image format: the image file could be too large (I don’t think pixels since you wrote that the images are 600x600, but maybe too many dpi?)
Yes I did clear the cache, and save and refresh the volumio page.
Please note that I see 100% of the correct album art, when I click on one of those blank folder files.
Just a observation I am aware of from previous players and album art.
If under a folder there are multiple albums with multiple album covers, then I would expect volumio to not display any album art because it has more than one to chose from.
In my example here many of my folders have one album, hence I expect that art to be displayed
Yes I am running an older version of Volumio and there are some updates not downloaded on my system.
Petrified I will break the system if I download a newer version, but appreciate I probably need to do this as a next step.