Music fails to Play Or Plays 3/4 of song and next song sta

Ok Volumio…not sure what your objective is now that I have been using and trouble shooting your product…at first I wanted to have faith in your product…now with a few years experience using it…don’t really want to say it…I feel a little bit of conspiracy theories going on here…

You make money via patrion and donations…but if you don’t contribute…expect problems like I describe…of course I don’t want to believe this to be true…curious why some songs play some songs don’t some songs play partially…and yet I use the same music files via other software and works flawlessly…

What gives Volumio??


I also had this problem but only once time with a DSD128 file , playing fine almost all part ( I can see bit rate of the song and at some point it stop , bit rate disappeared and don’t go for the next song) .