Multiroom sync - Hardware latency doesnt affect delay

Multiroom sync - Hardware latency doesnt affect delay


Setup is a RPI4b running Volumio v3.703 (main) and RPI3 running the same (client).

I setup multiroom and it works but there is an audible delay.

Set the Buffer (all clients) to 1500ms and stream buffer to 50ms.

Now, By ear, the delay on a 4/4 metronome track is circa 100-200ms with the RPI3 behind, after. the RPI4b.

The problem comes that no matter what settings I type into the hardware latency on the RPI4b (main) the sound never comes into sync.

Infact I even type in 1000 and the sound is exactly the same (when the down beat on the 4/4 should now be audibly behind the normal beat on the metronome) and same for -1000.

ONe thing I notice too is that when the seting is changed it causes a pause in the client/main sound but doesnt pause the other side, so I have been typing in a value, then restarting the stream each time; no change.

I even thought I may enter in a negative value on the main side; no change.
positive value on the main side, no change.
change on the client side; no change.

no matter what I do its the same delay each and every time?
What am I missing here?


Please try to apply the delay then , once saved:

  1. ungroup the active multiroom group
  2. group it again


For others who see this post, this was the answer.
Starting the stream again wont apply the delay, only disconnecting the client from the main under grouping then re adding will get the audio delay to be applied once changed.