I think there is a bug with switching the multiroom devices in volumio3. What works:
Volumio3 on a Raspberry with a audio dac. Connecting from external device (mobile phone for example) to the webpage. All is fine. You can conntect to the IP of one volumio device and from there you can switch with the “Multiroom” option to all other devices and back to the starting device. What does not work:
Volumio3 on a Raspberry with a dac and a display. The same thing, but now connecting directly from the raspberry (with the display) to the webpage. This works no problem, but when you switch via “Multiroom” option to another volumio device, this works, but you can never switch back to the starting device (with the display connected, so in fact the local device).
And, maybe a hint: Before switching, you see the pictures of all other multiroom devices, but the local picture is not shown (in the multiroom overview).
So it looks like there is a problem with the local URL or something like that.
I think we had the same issue during beta testing, but unfortunately i can not remember exactly.
Edit: Ok, looks like i found the fix which i remember:
Uhhh, sounds very similar.
I am pretty sure it has worked on 3.015 after installing libnss-mdns. But it looks like something is broken now in the final.
Do you have such a setup? Can you test it?
It is a fresh install.
Hope it is not a password thing!
Yes, it looks like it is the same problem like in volumio2.
Here you can see the missing picture:
And this happens when trying to switch back:
When connecting a keyboard and press “F5”, it reloads the page and it is working!
Unfortunately i only have one device with a display. So i can not test if this happens also on another devices. All other devices are “remote only” devices.
Just tried multiroom on the x86 variant of Volumio version 3.179 (running in a VM). It shows the same behaviour. So it’s not specific to Volumio running on a Pi.
I am not talking about “Multiroom-Play” i am talking about “Device-Switching”. It is maybe called the same, but i think it are two completely different things.
It looks like a DNS problem or something like that For me it looks like the local device can not connect to it self.
Just checked, there is no 3.015, only a 3.014 and 3.016. Did you participate in the very early debugging sessions? If not, than you must be referring to a different version as the early ones were not for the public.
I have removed “libnss-mdns” to disable device browsing. This way my kids can not lockup the device if the klick on another room.
But it is of course not really a fix.
Could be yes, but i need a fix. Otherwise i can boot the devcie every hour
I still ask me why this happens only on local devices. Is it a problem of the local browser (chrome)?
Disabling the discovery plugin seams not to work. Maybe i made it wrong?