Multiple i2s dac with volumio big tick noise at starting every track no matter what I am playing

I have 3 boards with i2s dac conected direct to different raspberry pi

  • 1 board with ES9038Q2M with i2s
  • 2 board is a chinese ES9028Q2M with i2s
  • 3 board is diy i2s dac with ES9023
    and with any version of volumio (did try volumio 2 and volumio 3 with multiple raspberry pi 3 and 4) ,( and did test all type and names of i2s dac present in volumio , generic i2s was the last try ) at the begining of play there is a big tick noise .
    Did find this :
    Raspberry Pi + Adafruit-MAX98357 - Audio output pops and clicks · Issue #1973 · volumio/Volumio2 · GitHub
    and I want to ask if this is the solution and if it will work for all ess dac I have ( this very disturbing tick noise repeated sometime multiple times at the begining of playing anything ) on volumio 3 ?
    Also how I can disable that horible / distorsioned sound I hear on volumio 2 and volumio 3 when the raspberry pi is finishing booting up .
    Volumio 2 / RPi3 / Audiophonics ES9018K2M DAC / Spotify - #3 by allo
    is also present on all my dac and on all my raspberry pi (all 4 pi volumio installed).
    Thank you very much.

may be your dac clicking when it changes format? Try resampling and see if it helps?