Multiple connections with spotify


For some reasons, I am the only one at home who can connect to the Gigione (volumio installed). We are using spotify. My girlfriend can see the device icon while on the Spotify app but it is shaped and not available for use.

Any idea what the problem is?

Thank you,

do you have multi user turned on?

Yes I do

I don’t know which smartphone (apple or android) you use but empty the cache of your android spotify app.
I assume that the spotify volumio plugin is up to date and logged in with the same spotify account or not at all.
what you can try is turn the spotify plugin off and on again or remove it completely and install it again.
sometimes rebooting volumio or smartphone also helps.

Emptying the cache seemed to have fixed the issue. She can now see the icon not shaded. It seems to be accessible.

Thank you for your help!