I tried to run the latest version of Volumio 2.773.
Version straight from the package - it works, but executing the apt-get upgrade command (to install mc) causes that the mpd process does not get up after restart.
This basically eliminates any modification attempts - is this the intended functionality?
You should not run apt-get upgrade to volumio: you will break it
I understand that this is about licensing issues? If so, then you cannot install additional services for linux. This is a big limitation. I use Volumio and as a player it is ok, but at the same time I use LIRC to control my audio equipment (IR diode - source change, volume etc …). I have also set up other functions.
I understand that if I want to use it I will not have access to newer versions?
No, not licensing.
You can install packages, but upgrading the built-in packages will mess up with our pre-configured environment and you’ll get very erratic behaviour and possibly make the system unusable.
apt-get upgrade = no
apt-get install = yes (just don’t overwrite already installed packages).
BTW, for LIRC there is a plugin, remote control