I tried searching for “mount network drive” but “mount” and “network” are being ignored so I get results for “drive”…
Is it possible to mount a HDD from my win7 desktop?
I leave my system running 24/7 anyway and we already use it as a PLEX server for the house (can’t currently afford a true NAS, but if I ever save up enough to upgrade my tower, this will become one…).
I tried using the webgui to add a new drive using the following settings:
it accepts it, but reports a 236.32mb size while the folder is currently 169gb, and it won’t mount.
I also tried using my router’s external IP, and my router’s internal IP (the folder is shared across my network and accessible on my PC, my kids PC Laptop, my android tablet and my wife’s iMac…) but that was kicking out error messages that faded from the webgui too fast for me to read…