Mono output with Justboom Amp Zero

I am trying to configure mono output on a pi zero with a justboom amp zero. I’ve followed the instructions here - … amps-mono/

and changed the asound.conf file, but the output through volumio is still in stereo. Is volumio not using this file? It do I need to change the settings somewhere?

I did previously try the volstereo2mono plugin, but that falls over with Spotify for me.

You can’t do that so simply. Changing asound is not enough. But what is the problem with spotify and volstereo2mono? Could you be more precise?

volstereo2mono worked on first install. However, when I tried to play spotify through volumio using volspotconnect2 the audio stopped completely. I couldn’t get back to mono after that.

Ok. I’ll have a look

Thank you. If you need more detail, I can try it again this evening.


If you want, I prepared a mod version of volspotconnect2 that should work with volstereo2mono.
Just unzip the attached file in /data/plugin/music_services/volspotconnect2. It will overwrite index.js
enable volstereo2mono
disable and enable volspotconnect.
If no sound, reboot.
let me know.

edit : attached file :wink: (3.78 KB)

YES! That’s done it! Thank you so much for your help, and for the fantastic plugins.

I had a few minor problems getting the file into volumio. For anyone else trying to do the same thing -

The correct path in volumio is /data/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect2

When I tried to unzip the file into the folder from the root folder it refused

[code]2018-03-28 05:18:33 (1.23 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [97/97]

volumio@amp-zero:/$ miniunzip -d ./data/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect2
MiniUnz 1.01b, demo of zLib + Unz package written by Gilles Vollant
more info at

Cannot open or[/code]

This is probably due to my extremely limited linux knowledge.

So I unzipped it and then copied it into the volspotconnect2 folder where it created an index.js1 file. I just removed the original and renamed this one.

Thank you again - it’s really appreciated.

I may have spoken too soon. Now it won’t open the web UI. I can ssh into it.

Something went wrong…
The best is to remove the plugin via ssh :

rm -Rf /data/plugins/music_service/volspotconnect2

After the webUI restarted, install the dev version on volspotconnect2, following instruction here :

I tried installing the dev version, but despite it appearing to install properly, the plugin does not appear in the UI. (Same issue logged in github a few days back).

OK. I have exactly the same issue. It doesn’t seems to be common to build mono speaker, but I did it. Now, I want to use spotify connect but with mono output. After installation of stereo2mono plugin, there is no sound from Spotify connect 2 (0.9.1 version). But there is from other sources, such as web radio.
I don’t want to use the modified index.js as it is the old version. Meanwhile there were issue with spotify connect plug-in, so the “big” guys have to fix it.

Any idea how to make mono output work alongside spotify connect?

RPi 0 W
Justboom AMP Zero
Volumio 2.565
Spotify connect2 0.9.1