With the release of Volumio 3 on Buster it is now possible to monitor your Raspberry hardware in Home Assistant (or another MQTT running instance).
Here is a quick overview, how to get there.
First, you need to have a running MQTT broker. If you do not have that now, I suggest installing Mosquitto, which is an standard Supervisor addon in Home assistant.
I’ve got this set up on a number of other Pi’s, but never really thought to put it onto my Volumio boxes.
It does work, but it also shows a little issue/error on Volumio. As you can see from the HA configuration, it shows the host name as “localhost” rather than its correct name (hence why the HA sensors are sensor.rpi_monitor_localhost for example).
It’s quite easy to fix - go to /etc/hosts and in that you can find the entry for which is localhost first and your actual device name second. If you swap them around and save the file (you’ll need to edit it with sudo) and reboot then it works and HA picks up the correct sensor names.
The localhost version will work, but of course if you try it with multiple devices then they will clash as they will all be called “localhost” as far as the script and HA are concerned.
You can check using “hostname -f” on the volumio device what the visible host name actually is for this.
Oh and there are a couple of nice pre-build cards that can be installed and used with this addon. Details are on the GH page if you don’t want to home-brew like the one above.
Not anyhow aimed at Volumio itself, but to the community of users
At the moment I decided to say, that I won’t continue my contribution, this thread has been read by 50 visitors, and all walked away without waving It’s just discouraging.
But that is nowhere a Volumio problem. I know, you guys have much more important stuff to deal with.
I personally, when I read a thread with manuals written by volunteers, always give a like or something, even if I will NOT use it anyhow. It’s just a sign for the poster, that his invest of time is welcome.
And now i stop talking about that too, before some wise man comes to tell me, that I’m to much demanding
Sorry you’re feeling frustrated. I find the community here very active and generally constructive and often brilliant. I’m not sure what you were expecting, but there’s so much going on around the Volumio (and everywhere else!) right now and maybe that’s why your work hasn’t got the attention you expected. I don’t have a home assistant, otherwise I’d have gladly given your suggestion a try.
I have only just read your post (and I do use Home Assistant). As Simon says, it is busy at the current time, and as Wheaten points out most of the Community probably do not use Home Assistant. Having said that, contributions from the Community are always very much welcome