
Hello every one,

new user with volumio, I did a mistake last evening. I disabled Lan wire in system configuration and ti seems that volumio is not connected to my ethernet any more…of course!

Is it possible to reactivate it without reinstall volumio on my allo digione ?

Thanks in advance for your help !

Yes, Volumio has created an hotspot (wireless network) called Volumio (pw volumio2). Just connect to it and re enable LAN

Ok thanks, I’ll try this afternoon (in France :wink: )



Unfortunately, there is no volumio wifi. I think I’ve done a second mistake: disable wifi hotpoint :unamused:…before the first mistake of course…

Any suggestion before a “fresh” installation?

I think a fresh install is the best and quickest option, at least you’ll be starting from a sound base. Will only take 5 minutes.

I think you’re right. Thanks. See you soon, when I will meet treble during new installation :laughing: