Missing songs with new RiVo

Dear Volumio,

My Rivo arrived today and we did some test, initial setup and rescan HD (In a external docking with its own power), all works fine.

Then i removed the HD without powering off the rivo i think…, to use it in another room. Then after I plug the HD back, first thing notice in media, Rivo has 0 song. I rescan the HD again and now many folders has only 1-2 song the rest is missing.

I did 3x factory reset, rescan and update and it still persist. Many folders has missing songs (flac/wave). HD is about 500gig.

Oh my god this is unacceptable, my previous streamer Mercury V2 with volumio OS does not do this.

Can you tell me how to fix?


As a Rivo owner, you have access to premium support. Please raise a ticket. Be aware that it’s a holiday weekend though.

Do you use .cue files? These don’t work well in Volumio.

Yes my rip has cue with wave/flac in folder.
It works fine with my Mercury V2 Volumio OS.