I sometimes hearing micro-cuts ( about max 1 sec) when especially playing flac tracks ( but never on MP3 files)
My configuration is :
I have an RPI3 B board and installed volumio on a 4Gb SD (Update v2.368) with a DAC " DAC PCM5122 32Bit/384kHz for Raspberry Pi 3 / Pi 2 / A+ / B+ / I2S" i have selected reading with “Hifiberry dac plus” .
To read audio files , i have plugged an hard disk 1To ( only used 500Go partition in fat32) interfaced sata --> USB to the RPI3
cans someone help -me to understand why i get sometimes these micro- cuts ( randomly 1 à 4 per track audio played ) ?
My suspicion would be that it’s the higher bit-rate from the FLAC files overwhelming the USB/networking on the RPi. It’s unlikely that the drive is suffering bit-rot that’s so specific to a particular filetype, and the networking on a RPi is done with a single controller for Ethernet and USB alike, so it’d be a bottleneck. This is a good reference point(raspberrypi.org/documentati … /README.md) and makes the point that the USB port behaves differently when presented with differing USB devices (Low, Full and High speed devices). You don’t say what sort of controller your HDD housing is using but I’d start looking at the interaction between that controller and the RPi controller. Another option would be to connect via the LAN connector in some way. If a I2S DAC is used, then the USB/LAN controller only has one thing to do and can usually do that perfectly well.
Thanks everyone for these informations.
I will try to do some tests this week-end and keep-you informed ( i think it can be usefull for another person)
Since the latest update my boss dac setup is doing the same thing but always at the end of each track, I’ve tried adjusting buffer to no effect.
Any ideas?