Meridian Explorer 2 DAC and WiFi Dongle Problem

Just a little problem i got myself a Meridian Explorer 2 DAC which works ok it’s just when used with a TP-LINK TL-WN823N WiFi Dongle the Pi won’t boot, if i change to a TP-Link TL-WN821N the Pi will boot and work for a while but then lock-up

Both dongles work fine with the Pi it’s just when you add the USB DAC into the mix there’s a problem just wondered if it could be down to using a iPad charger and it’s not supplying enough juice ?
Raspberry Pi 2 with a Meridian Explorer 2 DAC.jpg

It is an RPi 2 B is it? Not an RPi B+?

It could for sure be a power supply issue. The RPi has only one (OTG) USB bus which cannot supply enough current to support multiple (power hungry) USB devices. You could try a powered USB hub. Or something like this, but that is relatively expensive :wink:

Another issue could be that both devices (your DAC and Wifi dongle) use to much resources from the USB bus. Try to play different resolution audio files (16/44,1, 24/96 to 24/192 or 32/384) to see if/how issues increase. Maybe play the audio files directly from the RPi (store them on your SD card) and switch off/remove the Wifi dongle. See what changes.

It’s a raspberry Pi 2 did have a look at the iUSBPower but christ there expensive :open_mouth:

Hi !
Don’t know if it could help with rpi2, but for me it allow to use a usb disc that was not oo due to lack of power, just try it : and let us know.

You can change the RPI USB current limit. Have you already done this?

Enable 1.2A Current Limiter on Raspberry Pi Model B+ or Pi 2 Model B
This only works with Model B+ or Pi 2 Model B

Add the following lines to your /boot/config.txt

max_usb_current=1 safe_mode_gpio=4

Get a Good USB 5V 2A Power Adapter
Get a Good Micro USB Cable

Think i’ve got my problem sorted now as i bought a 5V 2A Ultra HQ USB Power Supply from ModMyPi and been using for the last hour and both wifi dongles and the DAC are all working fine now :slight_smile: … -supply-uk