Make Our Skins for peppyMeter

My tv gives 4k resolution 3840 x 2160

Does Volumio support a resolution of 3840 x 2160 or does it only support resolutions up to 1920x1080.

It supports, only then you will make all the skins yourself. You also need to enter this resolution programmatically (@Wheaten showed how).

I found themes up to 1920 pixels on the site, so I’m asking if a theme can be made for a resolution of 3840 pixels. That’s why I’m asking.

Not by me.
You can resize the images to you resolution and play with meters.txt.
All instruction are in the previous shared link to the templates.

I created my graphics as you said and I packed it, I also put a picture of how mine looks on the TV and a picture of how I set the resolution in the command line sudo nano /opt/

Technics gold (2.7 MB)

I don’t know why you’re messing with the resolution? Watch TV with 4K resolution and Peppymeter with 1929x1080 resolution. Run Peppymeter in 1920x1080 resolution and show the photo.

According to your TV photo, your RPi is set to 1920x1080 resolution

I also have a 4K monitor and I watch Peppymeter in 1920x1080 resolution

Thanks for your reply. I will set it as you said, just explain to me how to set it to 1920x1080 resolution. (8.3 MB)

I COMPLETELY don’t understand what you’re asking?
You have (~100) 1920x1080 skins ready and you take 1920x720 skins???
PeppyMeter Templates width: 1920 - #2 by Gelo5?

Edit: (233.1 KB)

Hello, I tried the theme I downloaded from 95skins Gelo5 theme called Teac Cassette but it won’t work it starts and shuts down. And the gold theme, which has VU meters, works great, and every one that contains a picture of a pixel meter works for me. I put a video so you can see what I think.

You copied it to meter.txt incorrectly or you didn’t add all the graphics

How many times do I have to repeat? read, read, read. Under the skins it is written where to copy.

PeppyMeter Templates width: 1920 - #2 by Gelo5?

/data/plugins/miscellanea/peppy_screensaver/peppymeter/custom_4 (1920x1080)

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I downloaded that, but it doesn’t work for me.

Let me just say it worked.

Silly question…Is it possible to choose our own fonts per skin? I’m making some skins and I would like to use different fonts for song title, time etc.

not without modifying the source code.

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Hi everyone, awesome stuff going on here :slight_smile:

Lately I’ve found myself feeling quite nostalgic about the early days of digital music, especially about winamp. Because of this, I got into the entire peppymeter scene, and I’m pretty hooked right now. I have a 1280x400 display (the waveshare 7.9 inch) connected to a RasPi 3B+ in my rack, currently simply showing one of the default meters. I have tried creating a custom one based on the winamp theme by Zsolt (on Behance) and Victhor (on deviantart), but my volumio keeps crashing. I am attaching the images I have created below, for anyone who might want to tinker. However, I would highly appreciate it if someone here could support me in creating the meters.txt file for this, since I am obviously terrible at it and it keeps crashing.

Would really appreciate the support! :slight_smile:

btw, the “SR” text on the screenshot is where I would like to show the sampling rate. would also be nice if next to the play time, we could also see a media type text :slight_smile:

indicator (275.5 KB)
Have fun