Just finished turning a 7"x5" into a remote viewer. It’s a Raspberry Pi with screen running Magic Mirror MMM-Volumio. I had to modify the code to get the album art to display. I need a frame to put it in. It uses wifi too so I can put it anywhere. I will post a picture when it is in a frame. I saw a couple of screenshots of this and thought I need that too, it took a long time to do the code as I haven’t done any for about 30 years. I need a walnut frame to go with my walnut Technics SU-7300 amp.
Now that sounds like an interesting project, I made a magic mirror several years ago
Never did mount it on a wall, it’s propped against a wall in the bedroom still
I don’t want to lean my Magic Mirror against a wall so I made a cardboard stand. If a wall works for you that’s great, at least you have a frame!
Could you please tell me what do I need to build such a project?
Looks very nice and interesting
Go to Youtube and search for “Magic Mirror” there are several howto’s and may have been some changes since I made mine
I put some posts on the the magic mirror forum as EllyJ. There is working code but you will have to adjust the layout the using CSS. If you have a bit of coding experience you should manage it. I struggled for a couple of days to get it to work, the album art url was missing the address of my player at the beginning. It is an interesting project, there is info on the Volumio website about the code of their player for reference.
You will need a tiny bit of coding experience to modify MMM-Volumio so it displays the album art. Also a Raspberry Pi (I used a 3B+) and a Pi compatible screen. The Pi needs to have Rasbian Stretch Desktop OS installed then MagicMirror installed then the MMM-Volumio installed. It is a pain to get it all working.