Lost Artwork

Hey all, I recently successfully upgraded to Volumio 2.411 on my ATV1 (Apple TV), but now I no longer have any album artwork. All artwork was there with the previous ATV1 image. My music was ripped using dBpoweramp with no imbedded images (all folder.jpg) and the music source is an Iomega NAS. Can anyone assist?

Sorry if this is a repeat question.



Hi again all,

More info on my “no artwork issue”:

I was on version 2.309 and all artwork appeared as normal. Once I upgraded to 2.411, I lost all artwork. The only single album that showed up was a recording that didn’t have an image file so it was downloaded from the internet. If I stop using my NAS and revert to a USB based drive, all the artwork is back as a normal. I’ve tried a couple of different NAS drives and a USB drive connected to my router with all the same result - no artwork.

I reckon this is all related to the SMB support (NAS Advanced Options setting change to “vers-1.0”) change that came post version 2.309.

On the weekend I reverted back to 2.309 and my artwork is back. I would like to upgrade though, so any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.



Hi again all,

This post is between me and myself :slight_smile:

All fixed!

For those who experience a similar problem, I got my album artwork back by using the following in advance settings: “vers=1.0,sec=ntlm” Everything works great now.
