Lossing Wi Fi connection


I am havine a prolem with my Pi losing the Wi-Fi login info after a reboot. I have been struggling with Wi Fi for a few days, I can get a connection with a LAN, I can set up the wi fi and I can see network connection on the LAN and with the Wi FI. If I remove the LAN cable and reboot it will not reconnect to the wi fi and appears to have lost the the wi fi login details. I did manage to get it to work just on wi fi by using a fixed IP address and turning hot spot off , but it only lasted a few days untill it again lost teh Wi fi login details. Any suggestions welcome.

if you havine a prolem with wifi and lan please post a log a maybe we can find the prolem.

To add a bit more info, I have tried setting a static ip address in the /etc/network.interfaces file, and after a restart the changes I have made have disapeared, the interface file is:

auto wlan0
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet manual

Log file generated,

is your router on

No, its on which I have entered in as a static wireless IP address ?

i see that volumio doesn’t have a problem connecting outside

is in network setting of volumio dhcp on?

# volumio endpointstest ---------------
https://google.com, 483 ms: OK
https://www.googleapis.com, 302 ms: OK
https://securetoken.googleapis.com, 345 ms: OK
https://myvolumio.firebaseio.com, 475 ms: OK
https://functions.volumio.cloud, 1005 ms: OK
https://oauth-performer.dfs.volumio.org, 408 ms: OK
https://browsing-performer.dfs.volumio.org, 437 ms: OK
http://cddb.volumio.org, 913 ms: OK
https://functions.volumio.cloud, 1155 ms: OK
http://pushupdates.volumio.org, 388 ms: OK
http://plugins.volumio.org, 1811 ms: OK
https://database.volumio.cloud, 670 ms: OK
https://radio-directory.firebaseapp.com, 444 ms: OK
REMOTE ENDPOINTS TEST OK, all Endpoints are reachable

if you have dhcp your ip could change i would advice to use a static ip

i see a error with xcb_connection_has_error() returned true

do you use a external dac or a hat ?

Its dhcp ia ON for LAN connection and OFF for wireless.

I have been using it with a static IP, but it keeps on disapearing when I power up. It does not disapear if I do a restart via the UI.

This error is I have the USB output unplugged so I could move the Pi to be close to my router to get LAN connection to see what was going on.

multiple errors

Intreasting, how do I get it to sync ?

do what @Wheaten says :

Seems you’re SD card is faulty and causing multiple errors:

Mar 06 17:46:06 gizmo2 kernel: FAT-fs (sda1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
Mar 06 17:46:06 gizmo2 kernel: FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
Mar 06 17:46:06 gizmo2 kernel: FAT-fs (mmcblk0p1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
Mar 06 17:46:06 gizmo2 kernel: EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): recovery complete
Mar 06 17:46:06 gizmo2 kernel: EXT4-fs (mmcblk0p3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)

Try to correct it, or perform a factory reset.

OK, I will do a new install, Thanks for the Help

your welcome :slight_smile:

And don’t modify the files via ssh. Just use the ui

I have not gone to version 3 yet still happy on 2.773, everything works as i want it. I am using a RPI3b+ tried to upgrade and didnt like the way things were working so went back to an earlier version. As I said it does everything I want, Plug in a USB ipod and it finds it and works, network music storage just works fine, the wifi with static address works everytime. I use a LCD screen with Pydpiper all good.