sounds like you mean raspberry. We don’t add our own kernel, it comes straight from the raspberry resources, so you would be able to get the headers files from there as well. You might have to google a little…
I did download the 4.19.60 kernel source (from git) and compiled it. Unfortunately, the symbol file did not line up with the kernel that came with 2.599. I am guessing that I did not have the right options.
I have spent 2 days trying to resolve the header file issue.
switching to 4.19 was not a very long time ago, 4.9.y was the latest before that, perhaps not everything is in place yet. I don’t think we can add much at the moment, the header files have to come from them…
re-building the PI image can be done of course, but this is not going to help you much when you need the kernel sources for 4.19.60.
did you check this site: … -firmware/
That is where all the header files are.
Or clone the raspberry kernel repo and checkout 4.19.60, then take the “include” folder for your include files??
This worked great on a Raspberry pi 3. My driver compiled and worked fine.
However, on a Raspberry pi 4, my driver would not load. I believe the problem is that the “volumio kernelsource” downloaded the symvers for v7 and not v7l.
The same sysvers file was downloaded on the pi4(4.19.60-v7l+) and the pi3(4.19.60-v7+).
I am guessing that the “volumio kernelsource” may need to be updated for the raspberry pi4 to download the symvers for v7l instead of v7.