used a couple of hours this weekend to get Volumio on a Pi Zero running. The first tries ended up in the device entering “emergency mode”
My guess: The zero has not enough RAM to startup a “fresh-flashed” image ?
My solution: Putting the “fresh” SD (4 Gb seems to be enough) in my other Pi (3B+) and let him do all the configuration stuff. Voila: The SD also works with the zero.
One more thing: Resized the / - Partition yesterday, now the usb-stick is automatically mounted on startup and I can mark radio-stations as favorite (did not work before).
To resize the partition you have to put the sd-card via cardreader in an Linux-PC and:
resize2fs /dev/sdd3 (carefully check, if the card REALLY IS sdd !!).
The partition will extend to the max. available space on sd-card (in my case 1,2 Gb on a 4Gb-card).