Last 1-3 seconds of spotify songs missing

Hi all,

I’m currently building a music player for my 3 year old son. The target would be that he can listen to children audiobooks from spotify.
I ran now into an issue. From each track, spotify or Volumio seems to cut away the last 1 to 3 seconds, so the transition between one track and the next is really weird, in particular in audiobooks.
I would guess that the issue sits somewhere with the spotify connect service. I tried streaming from the spotify app on my phone to other speakers and it works fine and when I select then the Volumio spotify connect device in the app, it skips the last few seconds before changing tracks. The same happens using the Volumio web player.
I tried now also with Tidal, there everything works fine.
Given that I already have a spotify abo for the whole family, I’d prefer to stay with spotify. Are there any settings that I haven’t found yet that I could change? Any other thoughts? Can someone replicate the issue?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts,