Large Music Library and Playlists

I need some help/suggestions for dealing with large music library and large playlists.

My server running Volumio is a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB of memory, and a Pi Touchscreen.

The Music Library is 13000 tracks.

Browsing to the Queue is a pain. On the Pi, the web page times out and takes more than a few minutes to display the queue (when it does). If I browse to Volumio with a desktop computer, it is slow but mostly works.

Is suspect that the differences between touchscreen and the computer are browser differences. I am using Firefox on the computer, but don’t know what browser is used in the Pi. Can the latter be improved?

Are there any ways to improve this?

I would possibly make the suggestion that the queue display be redone (or given an option) to page the display. For the touchscreen, I’d be quite happy with a dropdown selection of page site. I can deal with reloading the display to go from page to page rather than wait (sometimes) forever.

I really do enjoy putting my entire music collection into the playlist and then listening to it randomly. That’s my particular form of crazy.

I’d appreciate any help, suggestions, etc.

any luck chuck? I’m missing parts from mine. thinking of building a nas at this moment. :slight_smile: