Hello everyone. I loaded Volumio to a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B a couple of days ago. If you Google “Volumio Large Library” you don’t get many positive results, so I’m posting this to help balance out some of the bad experiences. Many of those hits have to do with Volumio 1.x and I’m assuming Volumio 2 fixed the issue, but I think many of us with too many tracks on our drives are blaming Volumio instead of the bad files we downloaded twenty years ago. That was my issue.
My library is about 60,000 tracks and as I mentioned some of it’s 20 years old. After a rough start I’m now having success getting it all indexed.
My folder structure is simple: Artist Name > Album Name with a folder for OST’s and Various Artist compilations. I didn’t change the folder structure even though some info on the Internet said it was important to do so.
I started off by renaming my “music” folder to “music old.” I then created a new, empty “music” folder. I loaded the new music folder with about 500-1000 tracks at a time, then updated Volumio. When Volumio would stop responding, I would move the last batch of files back to the old folder and slowly re-add them to the music folder, a few at a time, until I was able to identify the culprit. It’s not a fun process but it was long overdue.
I haven’t identified all the issues with my problem files because I’m still in the process of indexing. I’m currently at 43,000 tracks across 3000 albums. A couple of easy-to-identify issue have to do with torrents that never completed, and mildly corrupted mp3’s downloaded from Usenet. So far I’ve found it pretty easy to live without these. Anyway, that’s my experience so far. I’m glad I didn’t jump the gun and waste money on a miniPC before going through some necessary housecleaning.