I am working all day now on installing volumio on a raspberry Pi 3B using WLAN, a Monitor and a German keyboard. I am very frustrated by the lack of any organized documentation and only the most normal kind of installation described. Nothing about users and passwords, how to change keyboard layout, how to install with WLAN, where to store music files on a SD. I have to google every detail struggling with outdated explanations for everything.
When I log into console an american keyboard is defined. So I have to guess which key is which. How do I define a german keyboard? Solutions I read in web did not work. Installation of “keyboard-configuration” is impossible, the package is not found.
When trying to login using ssh the connection is refused. How do I change that?
bubbleupnp on tablet does neither find the renderer (yes, it is switched on) nor the server.
Last thing that happened was that I wanted to actualize the file list of the music folder and taped instead on delete by mistake, so 50GB of music files vanished without asking me if I really want that. Is there a way to avoid that? The menu items are written so tiny that it is hard to target them with the fingers.
I am near to give very bad feedback on volumio in web.