I’ve just ran Volumio v2.575 on Raspberry PI 3 with external USB audio card.
I want to stream sound from two Ubuntu desktops. I installed package “pulseaudio-dlna” on one desktop and run “pulseaudio-dlna” program from my user. Now I can stream sound from my Ubuntu to Volumio.
Problem: big delay, about 2 to 5 seconds. I tried to decrease “audio buffer size” from default 8MB to 128KB, it didn’t help. As I understand, it is DLNA known issue, and it is impossible to solve it by any streaming settings, only by video player tweak.
Also I have experience with streaming from one Ubuntu to another one by pulseaudio with “module-native-protocol-tcp”, it works like a charm, I can’t hear any delay.
Question: is there are any way to stream from Ubuntu to Volumio without big delay?