Is there a clean way to install touch_display on Raspberry P

I’m trying to build a self-contained Volumio appliance using a RPi 3B+ with 7inch touch screen for my non-tech savvy parents. Using a cellphone or other PC to control Volumio isn’t an option.

I’m trying to install the touch_display plugin cleanly, but keep hitting roadblocks. Installing from a web-browser hangs when it asks for the keyboard type with no to enter it. Cloning the plugins from github and installing from the command line seems to have the same problem.

Is there any way to install cleanly?

Is it better to install the touch_display plugin on the RPi? Or just get X and a browser installed and point it to //volumio.local on the RPi? I need a self-contained system.


Hi Frank

this is what I would like to do , please keep sharing your experience here

by the way how will you manage the on/off, with an additionnal button of via the interface ?