Hi folks.
I recently installed another volumio 3.779 on a raspberry pi 4.
Unfortunately i was not able to get youtube music (new version 1.2.0) work. If i search for an artist in the youtube music plugin nothing hsppens.
On my other volumio (same 3.779 version) the plugin youtube music (version 1.1.3) works perfect.
Is it possible to install the 1.1.3 version on my new volumio?
I enabled the plugin test mode, but i only see the latest stable (1.2) to install.
below is version 1.1.3
ytmusic.zip (524.4 KB)
I hope you know how to install the plugin manually?
… thanks for the zip-file!
… unfortunately i am not sure how to install manually. Is there a manual on how to do it?
… i seached myself.
0. SSH into machine
- Download zip using: wget
- Uncompress in new folder
- Run: volumio plugin install
Note: no need to use sudo and plugin is not customized for your plugin, it is literally ‘plugin’.
… should do the job. I will try.
It should be possible to upload the file via winscp.
… i tried to install but installation somehow broke my volumio. I installed volumio from scratch and wait for version 1.2.1.