Is it possible to enlarge the fonts on the main interface displayed in volumio?

tell me if touch screens will work on x86? or do you also need to install a plug-in for the display?.
For example, the one from this link

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Go to the x86 help thread and place your question there.


I have updated my Primo to the latest version 3.611. The file in /opt doen’t exists anymore. Instaed there is a file called The file looks like:


echo "Starting Volumio Kiosk with arguments for cursor display"


/usr/bin/startx /etc/X11/Xsession /opt/ -- -keeptty $ARGS

I don’t want to beak something. Can I add also xrandr -s "1920x1080" there to enlarge the fonts?

I found the file here: /static/opt/ but it looks different:


mkdir -p /data/volumiokiosk
export DISPLAY=:0

xset s off -dpms

if [ -L /data/volumiokiosk/SingletonCookie ]; then
  rm -rf /data/volumiokiosk/Singleton*

[[ -e /data/volumiokiosk/Default/Preferences ]] && {
  sed -i s/exited_cleanly:false/exited_cleanly:true/ /data/volumiokiosk/Default/Preferences
  sed -i s/exit_type:Crashed/exit_type:None/ /data/volumiokiosk/Default/Preferences

if [ ! -f /data/volumiokiosk/firststartdone ]; then
  echo "Volumio Kiosk Starting for the first time, giving time for Volumio To start"
  sleep 15
  touch /data/volumiokiosk/firststartdone

# Wait for Volumio webUI to be available
while [[ $(curl -Is http://localhost:3000 | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 2) != 200 ]]; do sleep 2; done &

openbox-session &
sleep 4

/usr/bin/vivaldi --kiosk --no-sandbox --disable-background-networking --disable-remote-extensions --disable-pinch --ignore-gpu-blacklist --use-gl=egl --disable-gpu-compositing --enable-gpu-rasterization --enable-zero-copy --disable-smooth-scrolling --enable-scroll-prediction --max-tiles-for-interest-area=512 --num-raster-threads=4 --enable-low-res-tiling --user-agent="volumiokiosk-memorysave-touch" --touch-events --user-data-dir=/data/volumiokiosk --force-device-scale-factor=1.2 --load-extension=/data/volumiokioskextensions/VirtualKeyboard/ --no-first-run --app=http://localhost:3000

Should I insert the line there?