Option 1:
Open /boot/config.txt:
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
and add the following line
After that reboot.
Note 1: gpio_pin=17 is only correct if your IR receiver uses this GPIO. In case it should use another GPIO you need to adjust the number accordingly. Make sure that the GPIO is not already occupied by the DAC (with the original HifiBerry DAC+ GPIO 17 works, but I didn’t check if this is valid for the PiFi, too).
Note 2: You will have to add the line after every Volumio update.
Option 2:
Modify lines 232 and 248 of the index.js of the IR controller plugin and adjust the gpio_in_pin and gpio_pin number to your needs, e.g.
exec('/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/dtoverlay gpio-ir gpio_pin=17', { uid: 1000, gid: 1000 },
After that reboot.
Note that modifications to the plugin’s index.js will be overwritten when you reinstall or update the plugin.
P.S. I didn’t find a manual for the PiFi Dac+ but saw an image of the board and from that it seems the IR receiver is using GPIO 26. If that should be correct you need to set 26 instead 17 in the lines above.
For me it is unclear, why it was integrated in the Volumio, but now I need to update it manually all the time (like I am still doing with my small matrix display, as there is no plugin for it).
Is it not planned to integrate my IR support in official Volumio?
AFAIK the functionality of the IR controller plugin has never been part of Volumio itself and the plugin has always been setting the GPIO in pin to 25. So, if you have used another GPIO for the IR receiver in the past, I can’t imagine that it worked without any of the modifications.
To my knowledge there haven’t been any “aliases” in the past which automatically set the GPIO. Apart from manually modifying the config.txt or index.js file I can only think of a script from a third party (e.g. the DAC vendor) which did one of the mentioned modifications when you ran that some time ago.
Anyhow, good to hear your IR receiver works again.