IR Activity LED plug-in works partly, need help

as the title implies, the plugin works partially.
plugin is still in beta, but okay.

edit sorry i meant gpio 14 not 13.

i’m trying to get this working but the only gpio pin it works with is gpio 14 (uarto TX) the rest of the gpio doesn’t work.

anyone suggestions?
use a green led with 330 ohm resistor between them.

Will do. Have you developed this plugin after noticing a ‘slugishness’ of lirc on Volumio3?
I have found it to be a lot slower than with 2.

i don’t notice the time i use this plugin lag with lirc in volumio 3.

only with gpio pin 14 does the led work. the rest of the gpio pins have no response whatsoever.

gpio pin numbers tested: 18, 12, 15, 16, 4 then stopped due to other pin being used.

Just making a new setup to try it out. Pin 13 (first post) or 14 (second post)?

GPIO 24 ok. Going to work through the rest.

17, 27 and 22 all ok. Stopped checking then. Perhaps you have problems with your Pi?

yes then the problem here must be my raspberry pi.

I do use an ian canada isolator II and FifoPiMa recklocker…maybe that’s where the problem lies.

will do some more research tonight.

found the error, stupid stupid :crazy_face:
of all the gpio I tested were not connected via my custom gpio heather.

will adjust tonight.

let you know.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

yes hey hello, does that make you smile :wink:
is bad enough, shame on me and felt like a monkey for a second :joy:

Great plugin. New led installed in the case all working as it should. Funny how the simplest of things can make your day!
The delay I mentioned really shows up when using the remote with the Randomizer plugin (quite sluggish compared to vers. 2) and I now know that my button press was received.

The only (very slight) problem I have now - I use my remote to control many different micro controllers, not just Volumio and I get a flash for every button press. There’s always something…… :grinning:

fixed my own mistake and everything works perfectly now.
is on gpio pin 26.

nice plug-in i’m completely happy again :smiley:

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It still makes me smile, seems I am not the only one…


I’m having trouble getting the plugin working on a fresh install of volumio (3.316).
It gives me ‘can’t find led’ errors.
Not a real problem, it could well be something I’ve done wrong……

Same hardware, just a new build of Volumio (sd card failure with no recent backup card… that will teach me… maybe.:thinking:

Tried it again today and got the same error as you. Uninstalling also no longer works, I had to force delete the folder.