iOS app hanging on “Looking for Devices”;screen

Went to listen to some music this morning and the iOS app on my iPad Mini 5 can’t connect or see my Pi 5 after “configuration updated. Pi Restarted”
Tried off & on several times.
Re-mount Volumio on my Pi SD card?

HI! please connect your device via Ethernet and please try again.
Let me know if this works,

The Volumio iOS app (on an iPad Air 13 2024) hanging is an issue I experience regularly. When I play music and after ten minutes look at the iOS app it has invariably lost connection to Rivo (connected via ethernet). I then need to kill the app and restart it. Then it finds Rivo quickly. After ten minutes same issue.
This seems to be an issue with iOS apps in general. I experience the same with the Melco iOS app.
This does not happen with the Apple Music app streaming via Airplay. So there must be a way to implement streaming on iOS that works reliably.
The issue does not happen with the Volumio Android app. This one keeps the connection reliably. Also connecting to Rivo through a browser under Windows works well.

@jacobacci we are aware that the current Volumio iOS APP has some instability issues. After trying to fix it for many months, we’ve started a complete rewrite from scratch using a newere technological stack.

The ETA for the release of the new app (for both Android and iOS) is due end of this month.

Thanks @jacobacci for your feedabacks, both here and privately. It has become one of our priority to improve resiliency and operations. Hope you will start noticing the results soon

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