iOS app - does not find any devices

I’m having this same issue with the Android app. It used to work just fine, but now it never is able to detect my device (just keeps spinning the wheel with no results). I can control it just fine using the chrome browser in my laptop, but I would like to be able to use my phone.
I am running Volumio version 3.378, and Android 8.1.0.
If anyone has any suggestions, I would be most grateful. Thank you!

Update: It works now for some reason. Just had to wait a few days I guess.

I’m experiencing this same issue with no devices found.

Running latest iOS version 16.4.1 and latest volumio app version 1.4.2 which is supposed to fix this very issue.

No problem connecting with an Android phone to the same primo device or connecting with the iPhone via browser so does not look like a network issue.

Appears to be more related to app permissions is my guess as using Spotify connect to the primo also works ok on the iPhone 13 pro and I noticed this requires network access permission whereas the volumio app does not have that option.

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I’m having exactly the same issue with an iPhone 14 Pro and iPad Pro. On Android everything works fine.

I’m having the same issue with iPhone 14, while on iPhone 8 works great (same for iPad 9). Any ideas?

I am having the same problem with iOS (iOS 16.4.1). Was working perfectly but yesterday Volume app stalls and continuously is ‘looking for Devices’. I have deleted and reinstalled Volume app but problem persists. Any ideas?

Cancel that it appears that my wifi was off :joy:

I would like to report the same issue - volumio app doesn’t finds device in local network.

It started after i reset my iphone and restored from iCloud. On the first launch my phone should’ve asked for a permission to access devices in local network, but it doesn’t. As a result I can’t connect to volumio via app, only via browser. I deleted and downloaded volumio app several times, rebooted phone etc, but couldn’t get it working. In iphone privacy settings there’s no linhe with access to local network.

There are no problems connecting to volumio from ipad.

You need to give permission to access location. (for some reason apple does allow network scanning only if location is permitted…)

We are working on checking if this permission is granted from next release

Location access is granted. There’s no next dialogue to grant access to local network after that.

Hi - I have this issue as well. Volumio new image installed, can access and control from web browser, and from iPad app, but not from iPhone.
Volumio system version 3.512 installed on a Raspberry Pi, no issues
iPad app version 1.7.6, works fine
Web browser finds the device at volumio.local as expected from any device on the LAN including iPhone.
iPhone app also version 1.7.6, on an iPhone 13, everything up to date, iOs 16.5.1(c).

The iPhone app does not find the Volumio device. When I look in Settings - Privacy & Security - Local Network, Volumio is not in the list of apps that have requested local network discovery permission. Removing and reinstalling the app doesn’t help - there is no request for network discovery at any stage.

Hello, I had an iPhone 11, running IOS 16, and volumio 3.512, and it would find my two volumio devices. I upgraded to iPhone 15, now running IOS 17.0.2, and it no longer sees the volumio devices. The configuration was restored from a backup of the iPhone 11, so everything should be the same. I checked and the app has ‘network’ permission. I also downloaded “Discovery - DNS-SD Browser” for iPhone, and it can see the volumio devices “volumio-sun._Volumio._tcp.”, (volumio-sun.local:3000) so that would tell me that the phone and networking is correct, and there is an issue in the app it’s self.

Thank you

So additional info. I’m in my RV today, and I have a Volumio in my RV and the app works fine. So iPhone 15, running 17.0.2, does work in some networks.

I still think there is an internal problem in the app, as my two Volumio devices at my home “broadcasts” and I can see it with my mdns browser, but the Volumio app does not see them and only spins.

I’m having the same issue. Latest iOS app, on iOS 17 and volumio on x86 PC (v3.512)

Update to my previous post. It is working for the moment.
iPhone 15 Running IOS 17.0.3, and for what ever reason, I can now see both of my volumio’s in my home network. 11 days ago, I could not. No changes to the network, just a minor update in IOS.

Is there any chance to see network request fix in ios app? Volumio on the first launch requests only location access and do not request access to local network.

New user to Volumio. Running latest OS on my little NUC I can use it using the web interface but Volumio iOS point blank wont see it. Is this limited to Volumio devices such as the Rivo, Primo or is it supposed to work on home built devices? For the record I have Roon, Plex and other UPnP servers and all see every device including my Volumio player. I had already set up the player via its webui and I can see its not running the hotspot as it on my wireless network already is this why?

Does anyone from Volumio actually respond on here ? This seems to have been broken for years. Certainly not going to sub if stuff like this is broken for so long.


Here Davide from Volumio tech support
Please to help you!

A support email has just been sent to your address, please follow up on that for further help

Thank you!

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Same problem here, app suddenly stopped finding device 3 days ago, did work fine for two years
I have tried to play with stuff and i can connect to device with app version 1.4.1 but upgraded to 1.8.0 it stops working, today upgraded volumio and it doesn’t help so i conclude it is app problem.
My waifu android with version 1.8.0 connect just fine

next issue is that 1.8.0 broke reading mp3 from local nas now with downgraded app it works again