Interaction between volumio and motorized volume pot..

A long time ago i had a kenwood amplifier… Wasnt that great but it had one thing that stuck in my mind which i think would look realy cool on a nic volumio build…

It had a nice big centered volume knob with a tiny red led near its edge instead of a painted line or engraved mark to mark the set volume,

You could just turn it by hand, but it was motorized too so you could use a remote. The knob would turn accordingly if you set the volumenup/down, and the little led would blink in response to receiving ir commands
If you pressed mute, the little led would slowly blink to indicate muted mode.

Motorized volume pots are actualy not that expensive on aliexpress etc… Not even Alps ones… finding or building a nice knob is doable, so is adding a tinny led or plasic fiber to an internal led to it…

But to me, i would find it realy great if it worked both ways… So that volumio follows the knob and vice versa…

So have volumio read the potmeter position setting and adjust the set volume to it (the ring indicator on the gui showing the same position). So just read the pot with an adc or something to set the hardware mixer in the audio dac…

and the other way around… So if the volume gets changed through the gui, it should adjust rhe position of the knob accordingly using the motorized pot(while blinking the led to signal its response to “remote commands”…

Wouldnt that look awsome??

Might take some extra care to avoid looping as in remotecommand -> changes volume and adjust knob position -> which gets registered by volumio measuring the pot -> which triggers another adjustment

Aby idea’s?? Could be external by a little arduino thats send volyme adjustment to volumio sonehow and listent to volume changes on volumio not triggerdby itself and has the volume knog follow on it…

Or a plugin kind if thing…


Yes this would be great.

I’m pretty new to Volumio, and this is my plan with my Raspi…

My Amp also has a motorised volume control, so I am hoping to add control as you said. This may not be as straight forward as I may have initially thought as I might need to have a seperate interface between the two, change the pot, put in an encoder… lots of options. but I’m first just getting the basis of my Volumio 2 installation to work with a couple of minor extra functions and then I shall go from there.

My aim it to integrate Volumio with the amp completely. stick in the power supply and everything, just for fun. :slight_smile:

Same for me, but the other way round…

I am building a puristic 2.0 gainclone amp around my volumio raspberry to drive my home built speakers… Let the sony home theatre crap handle the movies and use this system to enjoy the beautiful sounds produced by volumio :wink: