IntelliJ IDEA for Volumio Developers

I stumbled over this super interesting IDE :

I am using it since few days, and its just amazing… It has the handiest function we could hope for: working directly on the Pi via SFTP (ediding on your PC, syncing with PI…). Plus it has tons of features that I’m still discovering.
Coming from Notepad++, Eclipse and Brackets this seems a huge step forward for me.

But the best is yet to come…

They offer it for free to Open Source projects (to top committers), and I’ve already applied for Volumio. Finger crossed we could have a bunch of licences…
Depending on how much licences they’ll eventually give us I’ll distribute them to the active developers on the team, prioritizing the ones with most commits (both in quantity an quality).
So everyone interested just reply to this topic and I hope to be back soon with good news!

I do think it’s pretty slick. It will be especially helpful for members jumping into programming Raspberry Pi for the first time, as it’s less intimidating than the command line :wink:

It’s what I use at work. It’s just the best :slight_smile:
However the ultimate edition is expensive. Don’t know if the Community edition is enough for what we need.

I got a positive answer, now I’m waiting for them to send the licences…
And yes, we got the ultimate edition! What we need is just writing a review in a month (and show a banner in the blog, which I already did)

I also found this new text editor/IDE made by Github called Atom. It looks very lightweight and clean! Also supports lint and other features. :wink:

Great news guys!
IntelliJ replied, and they sent us free licences!
Everyone interested to have one, just drop me an email to

The only requirement to have it is having a commit (a quality commit…) to Volumio 2

Hi guys, new to the team.

Just to let you know I have been working with intellij for years now (since version 9!). I have my own personal copy of it that I keep up to date (it’s so good I am willing to pay for it) and so am very pleased to see that it will be used by others on the project too.

Yes, it’s incredibly good… I just love it…