Installing Volumio onto a Raspberry pi 4

I’m trying to install Volumio v3 onto a Raspberry pi 4 that I plan to then connect and use with a Waveshare 7.9 do.

I’m coming across a few problems at install. I instal and image onto a Samsung micro SD card using Raspberry’s imager. It seems to load fine but the WebUI it gives me is rather than a 192, I then can’t seem to connect via SSH to load plugins etc to get it to the Waveshare.

So far I have tried:

  • loading the image from Mac and a PC
  • use different SD cards
  • Usebdifdeent USB ports to download the image to

I keep getting to the same point of not having the right IP address. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong!

Have you plugged a network cable into the rPi?
And you did download the image from and not within raspberry Pi Imager?

I downloaded the image from Raspberry. I’ll try via Volumio’s website and see where I get form there. Thanks for replying.

the ones you get from the Rasberry Pi Imager are troublesome.

Thanks for your help everyone. I downloaded the image from Volumio’s site, and used th Raspberry imager to store it onto an SD card. Loading it up I now get the attached image. It asks to give reboot password for maintenance and I don’t have one. control-d just brings me back to the same issues. Does anyone know what I do next?

Sorry, it’s not letting me upload an image.

It says: mount: mounting /dev/mcbik0p3 on mnt/ext failed: Structure needs cleaning

It then list things in red, yellow and green and at the end saying ‘You are in emergency mode. After logging in…’

Does anyone know what the issue is. If I can upload an image I will.

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This is very unusual address IP - are you certain it is not

From the picture you provided it seems that the SD was disturbed during write or abruptly disconnected.

How about going back to the basics:

  1. How are you powering your Raspberry Pi 4 - Power supply with sufficient power delivery, POE?
  2. How are you connecting your Raspberry Pi to your network - over WiFi or LAN cable?
  3. Can you re-visit the Volumio OS download page: Get Started - Volumio and read the Get Started steps and follow them (again)?
  4. Is your network router, hub or gateway or switch setup in a way that it is providing DHCP leases?
  5. Are there firewall or access restrictions like MAC Address filtering on your router, hub, etc where Raspberry PI 4 is connecting to?

Yes, sorry it is

How do I get it to show a 192 IP address? Do I need to plug it in via Ethernet?

You have two options:

  1. When Volumio is installed afresh, it is configured to run as access point (AP) with SSID starting with Volumio. Simply connect to said Volumio AP and reconfigure WiFi to match your need, i.e. connect to your hub, router, etc as any other device, by selecting your network AP and corresponding credentials, like you would do with any other device using WiFi.
  2. Connect your Pi 5 using CAT5e (as minimum, CAT6 or higher is preferred) network cable to your router, hub, etc and you should see your Volumio IP address served from your hub’s, router’s, etc DHCP process. You can configure WiFi to match your needs.

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