Installing Volumio on a Windows 10 tablet

Your tablet’s CPU might not have enough grunt to handle the VM stuff and probably lacks optimization for virtualization…

You might want to give Kodi a try. It installs natively in Windows. It’s interface is mainly aimed at videos though, so you might not find it as intuitive as Volumio’s when it comes to playing audio.

Thanks Patrick… Since Volumio didnt work out, I’m now looking for a Win 10 media player that simular to Volumio or has a jukebox skin with large volume control and large buttons for play and fast forward. I’ll take a suggestion or two If yall have any. Someone said mediamonkey or musicbee but they seem like overkill for what I need…

Thanks for the detailed steps on setting up a Volumio VM in VirtualBox. I recently tried something similar and your guide is spot on. Volumio runs pretty smoothly in a VM, and the flexibility to tweak it further with plugins is great.

One tip I’d add from my experience: if you’re running low on disk space, consider expanding the VDI file size as suggested. It saves a lot of hassle later. Also, for those looking to upgrade or get a fresh Windows license for their VM setup, I found a really good deal on Windows 10 and 11 keys at . They offer legit keys at much lower prices, which is a huge plus.