Incorporate 88x2bu driver from morrowr

So we can have a serious USB wifi dongle to work with

On which platform? RPi?
I already included morrownr’s 88x2bu driver for x86.
Volumio for PI uses the kernel as supplied by Raspberry.
So as long as Raspberry does not implement an 88x2bu (cylinx or morrownr) driver, nothing will happen.


See above (unfortunately).
Fortunately, support for AC1200/1300 WiFi made it to mainline (rtw88).
So when Raspberry switches to kernel 6.6, it should be there.
See Please document difference to mainline driver · Issue #197 · morrownr/88x2bu-20210702 · GitHub

But that means a long before makes it to volumio right? I have no problem with non volumio raspbian, i compile and plays fine. I have just setup volumio and I am trying to keep myself from starting rigging it.
I had an issue yesterday with Rpi5 embedded wifi thing, let’s hope it proves stable in the long run, or else I ll start once again putting my hands hard on solutions, which I hate it nowadays since I am getting older…

welcome to the club :wink:

Guess Volumio needs to come with an audiophile walker, for us oldies :joy:

Old audiophiles worry that their capacitors are starting to leak.

I have good news - according to recent research - you getting older after 75 years of life :slight_smile:

i may have some tome then :grinning: