Hope i am in the correct spot! First post, so be gentle please. Had a bunch of IFTT triggers setup to control my Volumio via Alexa but it’s stopped working in the last 2 days
What’s weird is, if i copy the IFTTT trigger URL, e.g., http://<url/ip-address of my router>:3000/api/v1/commands/?cmd=playplaylist&name=LyricFM
And paste that into my broswer, it carries out the function as expected, just not from IFTTT/Alexa
Anybody have any thoughts as to why this might be happening? Running version 2.852 on a Raspberry PI
Are you sure IFTTT is able to access your pi’s IP from outside your network?
Probably a first test would be to try a simpler API command such as pause or something.
i.e is it only endpoint that is giving you trouble or all endpoints…
To be honest with you, I only have IFTTT to control the Volumio, so don’t have any other triggers setup. None of the triggers work, even simple ones, e.g.
http://<url/ip of router>:3000/api/v1/commands/?cmd=stop
I also have port forwarding setup to allow the command to come thru so don’t think that’s an issue.
There has been a bug discovered in 2.852 which prevents some REST API calls to fail if no user agent is specified.
I think this is the issue.
It will be solved in a new release this weekend
I believe TS is having issues with the IFTTT implementation of calling a webhook, rather than port forwarding (or I’m missing something). TS claims that calling the URL from a browser yields results, but have IFTTT calling it doesn’t.
Just to be one the safe side, if you use an IP rather than a name (this rules out DNS issues), is it still not working?
Also, is there a difference in calling the outside router IP vs the inside one? Should make a difference for the forwarding rule, but let’s assume both are in place. This should test if there’s other functionality in the router blocking WAN to LAN traffic.
I have no IFTTT experience, so my questions/assumptions are solely based on network knowledge.