i2s from Volumio on Raspberry Pi b+ for Minisharc

I want to use the i2S outputs from my Raspberry Pi B+ to connect to my Minisharc DSP.

the IQAUDIO dac i have works perfectly, but I want to connect the pi to the Minisharc with i2s

so far using the Volumio default I2s DAC setting and also the Hifiberry DAC I can get the pin to play music files, however all i get it white noise.

am using the correct pins for the i2s outputs from the pi. using my DMM on the frequency setting shows 44.1khz on LRCK and i have a clock signal from BCLK, but my DMM is out of range for whatever the frequency is.

does anyone have any sugestions of what I can try next?


Hi Brad,
please try the raspyplayv3 i2s DAC and reboot. Let me know how it works…

Hi Michelangelo,

thankyou for the quick reply.

I dont have that DAC option listed, but do have RaspiDACv3, which i guess is the same?

when I use that DAC I get a red message pop the screen that says it failed to open audio outout. is it looking for a response on the i2c bus?

any update with this?

I tried the different DAC option as detailed above and got an error message that says it failed to open the audio output

Any updates with this please?

I cannot get it to work