I can’t log in Spotify plugin on MyVolumio Free acount.“Spotify login failed please check username and password” what’s the problem.
Your Spotify username or password are not correct (this is from Spotify, not Volumio), or you do not have a premium Spotify account.
I can’t either. My password and username are very very correct : ) I have a paid for volumino account
Need a premium Spotify account for it to work…
To use Spotify on Volumio, you need a premium or family account of Spotify. Any version of Volumio (free or myvolumio account) would then work.
That makes sense : )
Hi have same proble , spotify login failed, i have a premium family spotify account , downloaded yesterday new volumio and plugin, on a raspi 4 with hifiberry digi+ .
Looks like this is still a problem. Volumio’s spotify plugin fails to log in. I have a premium account and use the correct password.
I use araspi 4 with Allo Boss.
Would you share some system logs please?
Preferable from a fresh reboot, with minimal steps to reproduce the problem
Edit: there seems to be a problem at the Spotify end:
May 31 12:37:58 volumiokitchen volumio[1141]: 2021-05-31 12:37:58 [SPTF] 12:37:58.802 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP ap.spotify.com:80
May 31 12:37:58 volumiokitchen volumio[1141]: 2021-05-31 12:37:58 [SPTF] 12:37:58.829 E [ap:1694] AP Socket Error: Connection refused (111)
May 31 12:37:58 volumiokitchen volumio[1141]: 2021-05-31 12:37:58 [SPTF] 12:37:58.829 E [ap:3953] Connection error: 101
May 31 12:37:58 volumiokitchen volumio[1141]: 2021-05-31 12:37:58 [WARN] Connection error: Cannot connect to Spotify
I had the same issue - Spotify is back again and I can log in
Having the same issue and it has’t been resolved yet. Any hint to resolve the issue would be appreciated. Username and password are correct, as the same ones just go well on another Spotify application.
Hello together,
new to volumio and the same problem…
Raspberry 4 with the latest volumio software installed and an spotify premium account.
Are there any options to troubleshoot this problem ?
Thanks in advance!
I just had the same problem. I’m using “Spotify plugin for Volumio2” by Volumio Team. I was confused because I created my account on Spotify through Facebook and always logged in through Facebook.
This is what worked for me:
- Log in to Spotify account (not the player) in a web browser.
- In account overview you will see your username. This is the username required by Volumio, not the email.
- Go to “Set device password”. Set a password, unless you did it earlier. This is the password to enter in Volumio.
The following method didn’t work:
On Spotify forums I learned, that Facebook actually allows you to create a separate password for applications, that log in through Facebook. Supposedly that password along with email set up in Facebook can be used to log in other applications, like Volumio. Didn’t work for me.
I am a newbeeie. I had Spotify and Spotify connect working on my Volumio 2.197. I am unable to login today. I am using an RPI4 with volumio2.917 and Volumio 3.152 on a seperate card. I have a Spotify premium account which was working yesterday. The account is still active.
Same problem here on volumio 3. Only after removing and reinstalling the plugin, the signin finally succeeded. You should get a redirect to authorize the plugin to https://accounts.spotify.com/…
I am curious why this only works for Spotify Premium accounts? From a quick glance it looks like the plugin does nothing aside from returning playlists (and their corresponding streams). And playlists are not a premium feature in the Spotify API.