Howto play a file from remote PC


I wonder that it is possible to play a file that is not present in the Volumio Library

Is there any mpd client based feature to do that ?

Thanks in advance…

+------------------------+ +-------------------------+ | My PC | | Raspberry PI | | With audio files | | With Volumio | | | | | | | LAN | Has eventually an | | +---------------------+ empty library | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------------------------+ +-------------------------+ Command 'play thatfile.flac And the file is played... on Volumio'

Hi icoco,

You can use foobaar2000 with the DLNA plugin to stream to your Volumio device.

There are also a few tools that act as airplay sender, but you doing this you have limitations of the airplay1 protocol.

  • josef

this sounds good

now im looking for the same running on linux