How to i can use Usb wifi chip aic8800fc for Volumio on PC

*I have a usb wifi ax use aic8800fc, how to i can use it on my pc run Volumio lastness verson.
. because, my mini pc not have wifi card
(Currently, plugged directly into mini PC, volumio does not recognize usb wifi)

If volumio can’t use it, it’s probably because the chipset is not supported by the kernel. There’s is nothing you can do, except to try an other model…

Thank you for your help, So do you know what type of usb wifi is supported by Volumio on pc

I am using this one, needs a USB3.0 port, but fast and flawless.

Hi, there is no properly maintained aic8800 driver and related firmware for kernel 6.6.y (actually, not for older either). I’ll keep an eye on it, because this device may become popular because of its price. No action planned.

I think, wifi ax is good and need drive support for device may become popular and best price in future.