Is it possible to force volumio to use the lan connection instead of wlan in case that both are available?
At this moment i’ve my raspi connected to lan and also the wlan dongle is present. I’m updating the database and volumio is using wlan instead of the much faster lan connection … how can I change this? Pulling out the dongle could not be the only answer … or am I wrong?
Thanks and regards
Keep it simple. Just shutdown interface WLAN0 and restart networking service! 
If you are looking for a more temporary solution just change the default route on your device.
I’ll not explain how to change the default route, as there are many good HOWTOs on the net.
Just google:
ip route add default raspian
But there are many different possibilities more to get to your goal, all depending on your setup.
Are you using DHCP? On both Interfaces?
Are you using static IP configuration?
Finally get a clear picture of what you want to achieve with your setup! 