How to copy iworking volumio mage setup

My Setup runs on hardware PiZero2W, AudioAmpShim3WMono, DisplayHatMini. Software Volumio v3.233 and PirateAudio v0.0.6. I am completely happy with the setup. I would like to make a duplicate backup copy of this image. How can I do it ? On a windows PC ? or on a Pi3 running latest buster using copy from SD1 to SD2. Please be aware I am not very skilled in neither Windows nor Linux command structures.

Carl in Helsinki

  • Just install Win32DiskImager on your windows PC
  • Put the SD from the PiZero2W in the windows PC
  • Select the SD card under Device
  • Select a name and folder where to write to
  • Press read

You can use this image to write to a new SD

I had hoped it was rhat straight forward, but it is’nt. I place the SD card from my PiZero2W in PC’s card reader sdcard source device contains D, E,F, what do I select ?

you have to backup the whole disk not 1 part

Take the first partition letter of the SD card, in your case this is D.
Win32Diskimager will read the whole SD as 1 image.