hi, i tried a while to make the display fade to black after a certain time of inactivity. one can manually turn off the backlight, but thats not what i wanted and the only solution working for me finally was to install xscreensaver and set it to “blank screen only”. that works fine when xscreensaver is started manually via ssh after boot. so now i want to run xscreensaver automatically at startup. i tried starting it from rc.local (which i first had to activate) as user volumio (since xscreenserver its not supposed to be run as admin), but
systemctl status rc-local.service
tells me xscreensaver: 18:25:46: warning: $DISPLAY is not set: defaulti....0".
xscreensaver: 18:25:46: Can't open display: :0.0
xscreensaver: 18:25:46: running as volumio/volumio (1000/1000)
xscreensaver: 18:25:46: Errors at startup are usually authoriz...ems.
But you're not logging in as root (good!) so something
else must be wrong.
so what can i do to start xscreensaver automatically at startup? i am using volumio-2.011 with the display plugin at an rpi3 with hifiberry and official touch display.
manually after boot, however, does exactly what i want…
[FYI] to get it run manually without autostart, you can do the following: log in via ssh and install xscreensaver:
sudo apt-get install xscreensaver
did not run, i started
and it opens up on the touch display, where you can touch on settings (or something similar, I dont remember exactly) and you get the familiar gui. anyway, my fingers were not tiny enough to touch up and down arrows etc pp, so I just left the gui. with this first run, a file .xscreensaver was created in your home directory, which can be editted manually via ssh
nano ~/.xscreensaver
i think that the important settings are
timeout: 0:01:00
lock: False
dpmsQuickOff: True
mode: blank
selected: -1
if you now run
xscreensaver &
manually, then your display should now fade after 1 min and reappear when you touch it.