How is it possible that it stops working?

Been trying this and after the getting connected to my Windows server from which I can access my music, I ran it every day only on webradio. This worked since then, since the day before yesterday, and today I wanted to listen to webradio again and it did not work. So I tried other webradio channels, also no sound, and I checked my amplifyer. So I restarted it software wise, after some time it came back on and I retried it. No sound. So, I unplugged the power and reconnected it, it seemed ok, but still no sound.
This is what I fear the most from ‘community-made-software’ that it can collapse anytime and the toolbox has to come to help. Put on my workgear and try to fix it.

Nothing has changed, the internet is working, the power is working, the audio amplifier is working, the cables are working, have both wired and wireless connection attached, so what more can I do?

As this goes on, it simply is not mature enough, it shows, and you guys immediatly want me to perform some surgical actions upon the device, but I am sick of trying these things over and over. No developer is gonna react here and might want to point to the problem if it makes problems itself, without interference from a human, maybe a logfile that overloads the memcard? I have no idea, but I just wanted to show you that magic still exists.

I went into the settings, clicked again on a save button and there it was, music…
How the F is this possible?

Comment withdrawn, with apologies all round.

I was having a bad day…

Beside the useless comment made by @Yatsushiro, which has no contribution…

Sounds like during a shutdown the OS was not properly stopped.
This causes an error with a dtoverlay, by pressing a save button it got corrected/rewritten.

Not sure what you mean by this. Volumio is open source that is something different then community made. (Unless you’re referring to the community plugins?)

Hey @AvA,

I understand your frustration with the recent issues you’ve encountered while using Volumio. It’s important to recognize that, like any software, Volumio can experience occasional glitches, especially in complex setups. However, many users have successfully implemented Volumio across a wide range of configurations, often without significant problems.

In your case, it seems that re-saving the settings resolved the issue, which might indicate that a configuration file needed to be refreshed or rewritten. This can sometimes happen if the system wasn’t properly shut down, leading to minor errors that are corrected upon re-saving settings.

While encountering such issues can be frustrating, it’s worth noting that the Volumio community is active and supportive. Many users have shared their experiences and solutions to similar problems, contributing to a collective knowledge base that can be invaluable when troubleshooting.

If problems persist, providing detailed information about your setup and any error messages can help the community assist you more effectively. Remember, while challenges can arise, they often come with solutions that enhance the overall user experience.

Kind Regards,

It seems so. I went looking at volumio.local/dev but I did not see anything weird.
I did mention that I restarted it in the first place, by using the embedded shutdown/restart option, but that did not help then.

Until the next time, I try saving one of the current settings, and if that does not help, you’ll see me again.

I am not a quitter unless I see no value; I see value here!!!

Is opensource … not being made by a community?
Not being a dick here, I mean that over the last 15 to 20 years I witnessed and tried several open source software ideas, and trust me when I say, many died a slow silent death, sadly.
There were over the years many beautifull projects engulfing in music play and network tools to even a full household control system from lights, music, tv, multi room access on tablets and Ipads til even opening garage doors and alarm systems with camera’s. Such software was way bigger and vaster than the things we see today, but at one point this was a good example of putting the shoulders fully under such a product, for free.
I tried parts of that but it was not really stable and I never heard from it again.
So, it can go south.

Keep at it though devs, never give up on dreams.

just some clarification.
Volumio OS is open source, meaning you and I can manipulate it everyway we want.
However the images you can download from are maintained by Volumio.
It can have a user contributed addition, but this will be evaluated by Volumio, and might show up in a final release.

Hopes this clarifies it a little bit better.

I knew that (that every capable person can alter it’s source code), the thing that Volumio has the final saying in it, seems logical.

Thanks Wheaten!

It stopped again… sigh.
I tried everything again… after waiting an hour or two, I ran again through all settings (gen. playb. options) and after that, it finally played webradio again… I think, I’m gonna buy a webradio with network data access. sad story…

please post a log, It might reveal something.

Just now read your message and here is the log:

After I was listening (cabled network) it just stops and has not continued.

Are you playing form a stored playlist, the log is full with errors like:

Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : exception: No such directory
Jan 29 17:46 : player: played "NAS/muziek/ZZTOP/ZZ Top - Discography (1970-2012)/1970 - ZZ Top's First Album/01. (Somebody Else Been) Shaking Your Tree.mp3"

Which rPi are you using?

Jan 30 00:05 : alsa_output: Decoder is too slow; playing silence to avoid xrun
Jan 30 00:05 : alsa_output: Decoder is too slow; playing silence to avoid xrun
Jan 30 00:05 : alsa_output: Decoder is too slow; playing silence to avoid xrun
Jan 30 00:05 : alsa_output: Decoder is too slow; playing silence to avoid xrun
Jan 30 00:05 : alsa_output: Decoder is too slow; playing silence to avoid xrun
Jan 30 00:05 : alsa_output: Decoder is too slow; playing silence to avoid xrun

I have a Pi 3+ 4gb and the stored playlist? that I eventually got connected with 8.5 Tb music. That attempt was after it stopped playing and I was trying to get it working again, but the folders are there, so why it says that is a mystery to me too.

What Pi would you recommend? so I can purchase that and try…

Oh, and earlier I tried a Pi 4 and that did not help either, but this was before the problem I had with connecting my music library.

I mostly use webradio by the way… (Which has not come on after several attempts, gonna try it again.)

After toggling with restart, headphones and DSD settings i clicked the play button and it worked.
I made a log file to let you see:

DSD on a rPi3 I would not recommend. Since your using the rPi3 onboard PWM for audio, it doesn’t add any value.

Let’s start from scratch and exclude everything to a bare minimum:
Please take a new SD card.
Flash Volumio to it.
Perform the initial install
Don’t install any plugin
Don’t connect any USB drives
Don’t mount your NAS.

Just play a web station, does it keep running?

I went with the standard settings Volumio provided, only checked if the audio output was through the headphone jack. So you say I must use pcm? (the other setting it has?)
I don’t use usb drives nor plugins. It standard played webradio. Only after having these issues with the connecting network drive and the Active Directory, webradio kinda worked. I try to find time to do this over and report back.
Thanks Wheaten.

Please also check the date on your rPi3, if this is correct. if not run:
sudo /bin/date -s "$(/usr/bin/curl -s --head | grep ^Date: | sed 's/Date: //g')"

No ignore my remark with regards to DSD. (Thought you were playing DSD) :wink:

The date is today, and the time is also correct to my region.