I am now using Volumio set up as a player for my current library of mainly MP3 ripped files.
I now want to re-rip all of my CD Collection in FLAC Format but cannot see how to do this using Volumio. It seems that I have three main options:
Rip the music to USB Sticks on a Windows PC - Not sure whether Windows Media Player will rip in FLAC
Set up a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian and use either “abcde” or “K3B” with a USB attached CD or DVD Drive to rip to USB Sticks. Can any of you share your thoughts or experience with this? Is it feasible to install both Volumio and Raspbian on the same RPi SD Card?
Set up an UBUNTU system on a PC as an alternative Boot to Windows and run abcde or K3B on that to rip from the Optical Drive to USB Sticks.
I do my CD ripping on a windows pc, I use EAC (Exact Audio Copy), it can rip to wav, flac, etc.
It can also fetch the metadata for the CD and files from an online database which is a good head start for tagging the files correctly.
Many people use dBPowerAmp https://www.dbpoweramp.com/
It is very easy to use and gives checks for a correct rip, album metadata etc is also supplied. It is not free (£28) but there is a free trial period and if you’re really quick you can rip all your music . . . But it does a good job so I bought a copy!
Don’t listen to the Windows fools, you are on the right track. Volumio and Raspbian on the same RPi SD Card? Surely, you already have it. Volumio is based on Raspbian and you only have to
apt update
apt install abcde
and you are done.
I wanted to turn Volumio into a CD Ripper myself, but still had not the time for this. It would be nice to have a ripper which stores the flac files on the same storage device where mpd will immediately find them. The only problem would be the hardware. You will need an external DVD/CD drive with its own power supply or - even better! - an internal DVD drive and a SATA-to-USB-Adapter which can power the device, something like this
but I have not tested this on a Raspberry PI.
I wanted to use my old Plextor drive from an old pc tower which is better than everything you can buy today.
If you try this, I would really like to know how it worked.
I have a USB DVD Drive (Samsung) which is very low power and easily runs off a USB 2.0 Port. I also have a USB connected 2.5" Disk and can connect both of these to te RPi USB Ports (via a powered USB Hub if necessary. I think that this would be all the hardware I need as long as the Power Supplies were capable of supplying the current and would be a really elegant solution if I can get it to work.
I am less clear on how I would run abcde from the Volumio headless App over the network to my Phone or Tablet. Can you share with me how you do this? … or am I breaking new ground here?
How do I get to a Terminal Screen under Volumio?
Once I have installed abcde, How do I open the App? Do I need to use a Keyboard, Mouse and a HDMI attached Monitor?
whatever works with the machinery and software we have available. I’m getting high quality results with this system so there’s no need for disparaging comments.
@robcee I think you may be waiting even longer for your correction than I will for an explanation from hli: of his proposition to run abcde under Volumio, headless and without access to a remote terminal session on the network interface! It sounds like a half baked idea to me.
Anyway, I have solved my need by installing Fre:ac on my Windows PC and configuring it to rip directly from the Optical Drive to FLAC Albums on my 128GB MicroSD Cards.
Thanks to dvo for the pointer to Fre:ac which I selected for the ease of installation without the need for additional codecs or plug-ins.
Yes, I just checked and all of the Fre:ac ripped FLAC files are 16 bit/ 44.1kHz. It’s odd that the MP3s ripped with Windows Media Player can be as high as 192kHz! This must be done by interpolation and is akin to attempting to make a silk purse from a sow’s ear!