How do you enable "single mode" in Volumio 2?

I’ve been checking out Volumio 2 today.

Very Nice!

If I can figure out how to get “single mode”, I’ll be able to start actually using it!

I’m using Volumio to play accompaniment music for live performances, so pausing at the end of a song is necessary.


Ouch, this was not implemented, but we’ll add to our to do list…

I’m trying to DISABLE single mode in Volumio 2. I’m unable to find the ability to do so for my Spotify playlists. Would that be a problem with the plugin?

Sorry for popping this old 2016 message up, but am I correct that " single mode" hasn’t been implemented yet? Cannot find it in the player. I need to play backing tracks for live stage performance (Rasberry is connected to a remote digital mixer) and need to make sure that playback stops after each track. Looking for options, seems like Volumio is not the right choice?